Zaljubite se v jesen
Fall is here, and it’s the culmination of all your gardening work during spring and summer. It’s the time to picking up the harvest and preparing your garden for winter. The simple truth is that your garden can be a delight all around the year, whatever the season. And with the right tools at hand, you’ll feel uplifted even in the darkest of days. So take a step back from everyday life, step outside and marvel at the magic.
Jesenje tukaj, in to je vrhunec vrtnarskega dela spomladi in poleti. To je čas, ko poberemo pridelek in pripravimo svoj vrt za zimo. Pravzaprav nam je vrtnarjenje v veselje vsak dan, ne glede na sezono. In s pravim orodjem v roki, se lahko počutimo navdahnjeni za delo tudi v najtemnejših dneh. Zato naredimo korak stran od vsakdanjega življenja, stopimo ven in uživajmo v tej čarovniji.
Zaljubite se v jesen
Fall is here, and it’s the culmination of all your gardening work during spring and summer. It’s the time to picking up the harvest and preparing your garden for winter. The simple truth is that your garden can be a delight all around the year, whatever the season. And with the right tools at hand, you’ll feel uplifted even in the darkest of days. So take a step back from everyday life, step outside and marvel at the magic.
Jesenje tukaj, in to je vrhunec vrtnarskega dela spomladi in poleti. To je čas, ko poberemo pridelek in pripravimo svoj vrt za zimo. Pravzaprav nam je vrtnarjenje v veselje vsak dan, ne glede na sezono. In s pravim orodjem v roki, se lahko počutimo navdahnjeni za delo tudi v najtemnejših dneh. Zato naredimo korak stran od vsakdanjega življenja, stopimo ven in uživajmo v tej čarovniji.